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HISTORY TIMELINE (1500-1599) By Gerald Murphy

DATE EVENT ==== ====================================================================== 1500 Fernandes explores Labrador 1500 Pedro Alvarez Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal 1501 Gaspar Corte-Real kidnaps 57 Indians in Newfoundland 1501 Rodrigo de Bastidas explores Central American coast & Caribbean 1507 Lands of the New World named for Amerigo Vespucci by Waldseemuller 1510 Spain begins settlements in Jamaica; two years later in Cuba 1512 Juan Ponce de Leon names discovery after Easter Sunday; Pascua Florida 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa names large body of water as "Pacific" 1519 Hernando Cortes begins assault on Mexico, defeats the Aztecs 1519 Cortes brings Arabian horses to Americas from Spain 1519 Domenico de Pineda explores Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Vera Cruz 1520 Magellan navigates through the straits from Atlantic to Pacific 1521 Martin Luther excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, Jan 3 1521 Guam, where America's day begins, explored by Magellan 1524 Giovanni da Verrazano explores Hudson River and New York harbor waters 1526 Spanish attempt colonization of Cape Fear; it lasts only a few months 1528 Panfilo de Narvaez invades Florida from Cuba, wars with Indians 1531 Spain invades Peru; end of Inca civilization 1534 Jacques Cartier explores coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland 1535 Jacques Cartier explores St. Lawrence River, trades with Huron Indians 1536 Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aries 1536 Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca reaches Culiacan after roaming over the So. 1538 Bogota settled by Quesada 1539 Hernando de Soto leaves Havana to find Seven Cities; finds Indian war 1539 First printing press set up in the New World - at Mexico City 1540 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado treks north from Mexico to Zuni territory 1540 Coronado's troops discover the Grand Canyon 1541 Hernando de Soto explores Mississipi River valley and Gulf Coast 1542 Juan Rodriguez Cabrilho explores in area of San Diego for Spain 1544 Sebastian Cabot publishes map of the world with remarkable detail 1555 First tobacco taken from America to Spain 1555 Rio de Janeiro colony established by the French 1558 Reign of Elizabeth I begins; ends in 1603 1562 French establish trading post in South Carolina, erect monument in FL 1562 John Hawkins begins slave trade between Guinea and West Indies 1564 French Huguenots try to colonize at Jacksonville; are killed by Spain 1564 French found Fort Caroline, FL. First European colony on the mainland 1565 Spanish attack Fort Caroline, and find St. Augustine in the process 1572 Francis Drake attacks Spanish harbors in the Americas 1576 Martin Frobisher puts his name on Frobisher's Bay, Canada 1577 Sir Francis Drake begins explorations on west coast of North America 1581 Franciscan friars begin missionary work in "New Mexico" 1584 Walter Raleigh knighted by Virgin Queen for naming new colony for her 1585 English attempt colony at Roanoke Island, NC, but have Indian trouble 1586 Potatoes from Columbia introduced to England by Herriot 1587 New colony established at Pamlico Sound. It disappeared within 2 yrs 1587 Virginia Dare was first child born in the colonies; fate unknown 1588 English defeat Spanish armada of King Philip II 1590 Galileo describes the law of falling bodies 1592 Alleged date of Juan de Fuca discovery of inland passage 1598 Colonists landed on Sable Island 1598 Henry IV issues Edict of Nantes to quiet religious wars 1598 Don Juan de Onate claims all of New Mexico for Spain

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