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HISTORY TIMELINE (30KBC-1499) By Gerald Murphy
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30KBC (or earlier) Probable crossing of Bering Straits by Indian ancestors
44BC March 15, Julius Caesar is assassinated
63BC Julius Caesar creates the Julian Calendar
61 Spinden date for the Leyden Plate, a carved jade plaque in Mexico
68 Spinden date for oldest stone monument or stela, in Mexico
217 Year of oldest Pueblo roofbeam that can be carbon-14 dated
400 Heyday of the Moundbuilders in Mississippi and Ohio valleys
725 Casa Grande, an Indian fort and large irrigation works built - Arizona
850 Norsemen defeat Irishmen, eject them from Iceland
985 Eric the Red colonizes Greenland
1000 Leif, Eric's son, builds dwelling on NE coast of Newfoundland
1000 Tiahuanaco civilization in Peru, widespread planting of potatoes, corn
1056 Beginning of the democratic Pataria movement in Milan
1100 Mayan civilization reaches it's height in Central America
1215 King John seals Magna Carta at Runnymede. But not made law until 1297
1225 Magna Carta reissued for third time in definitive form
1254 Birth of Marco Polo, explorer who will bring pasta to Italy from China
1265 First English Parliament, January 20
1297 Magna Carta confirmed by Edward I, enters English statute rolls as law
1325 Toltec empire defeated by Aztecs in Mexico
1327 Aztecs establish Mexico City
1332 Parliament divides into two houses
1347 Bubonic plague in Europe; originated in India, 1332. 75 million deaths
1350 The League of Nations established at Onondaga, NY. 1st true democracy
1364 Aztecs build their capital at Tenochtitlan, Mexico
1438 Inca rule begins in Peru
1441 Portugese sailors enter slave trade with African Negroes at Cape Blanc
1451 Birth of Cristoforo Columbo; dies 1506
1454 Birth of Amerigo Vespucci; dies 1512
1492 Columbus departs Palos, Spain,in Santa Maria.Hopes to find gold/Indies
1494 Spain and Portugal divide New World in Treaty of Tordesillas
1497 John Cabot makes landfall in Newfoundland, claims it for England
1498 Cabots explore as far south as Hatteras; claim continent for England
1499 Ojeda explores Venezuelan coastline
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